Things to avoid if you have diabetes

                            Things to avoid if you have diabetes féet

There are many kind of diabetes feet  treatment out there, but finding the most effective one is really hard right? After all we don't want to waste our money on the treatment that does not work.

7 Steps to Health from ICTM is one of the things to avoid if you have diabetes feet, treatment that makes quite a buzz in the internet.

But is it really working or just a BIG lie?

There are many review about these program out there , unfortunately most of them are fake / trash. Many reviewer only want to sell the product without really researching / reading the program at all.

That's why here i want to help you by giving full final complete review about this program, no fluff and no fake review. I’ve read the 7 Steps to Health E-Book and have done deep research on it.  I’ll share with you my research, real testimonial, the pros and cons of this book and I’ll also give you some warnings when you try to apply the protocol on this book.

So stay tuned.

This book basically tells about the healthy food and nutrients that can help with your diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes things to avoid if you have diabetes. It also tells us what foods to avoid that can lead to diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney disease and other major disease (*)

7 Steps to Health emphasizes nutrition, mainly the food and supplements you need.  There is no specific exercise plan on this book. It provides 100% natural treatments without drugs/medication.

You need this book because nowadays treatment is like this:
  • Got bad blood pressure, take cholesterol drugs.
  • Got heart attack, need heart bypass surgery or blood thinning drugs.
  • Have diabetes? things to avoid if you have diabetes ,Take blood sugar medicine.
  • Got a headache? Take Tylenol.

Can you see it?  Almost all doctors nowadays are not trained in nutrition;

They are trained to prescribe drugs and other medicine, which only treats your symptoms and not the real cause of your disease, and they can give you side effects in the future. They don’t analyze why you got the disease in the first place, or the natural way to cure it.

It can be likened to going to your mechanic because there is a loud noise coming from the car (the disease) and instead of fixing the problem, he gives you some ear plugs (the drugs to treat the symptoms). Would you be satisfied?

Fortunately, this book talks about the natural way to treat your diabetes things to avoid if you have diabetes, from the root cause. Let’s talk about the contents of the book.

Here are some content that I am personally interested in :

  • 1 drink that can cause diabetes things to avoid if you have diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and asthma on page 58
  • What sweetener to avoid and which one is healthy
  • Dangerous food additive table on page 16
  • The right cooking oil to use (I used the wrong oil too before I read the book because I thought it was healthy)
  • And importantly, the 3 different protocols to help with your diabetes things to avoid if you have diabetes
  • 9 superfoods that you must have in your kitchen on page 152
  • Some sources to buy the healthy food mentioned in this book
  • 1 bean that is considered healthy by many people but it actually leads you to malnutrition, digestive distress, thyroid dysfunction and even cancer and heart disease on page 65
  • Be aware of “all natural food” on page 146
  • A UPC code trick to help you decide what fruit and vegetable is organic, conventionally grown/genetically modified on page 148
  • Why high carb diets are dangerous on page 25
  • click here for more information